Japanese wine drama Kami no Shizuku: Episode 2
...continued from Episode 1 in my last post.
Pointed out by a friend who happens to know a lot about Japanese, French, and American cultures and wine, comes this awesome Japanese Manga-drama about wine. Laugh, cry, enjoy as you watch Kami no Shizuku ("Drops of God").
Episode 2
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Episode 3 is posted here.
Pointed out by a friend who happens to know a lot about Japanese, French, and American cultures and wine, comes this awesome Japanese Manga-drama about wine. Laugh, cry, enjoy as you watch Kami no Shizuku ("Drops of God").
Episode 2
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Episode 3 is posted here.