Converting the Chinese into wine drinkers, one at a time
She didn't grow up on proper red wine. The other day, Kathy O. (a friend) made this luscious chocolate raspberry cake for A.C.'s birthday party, and they gave me a chunk of that gorgeousness to take home. Chinese generally don't like rich, sweet, decadent desserts (just go into any Chinese bakery to see what I mean). I had some Super Tuscan left over from the Oasis visit the day before. I forced maya to have a bite of the cake and a sip of the wine. You should have seen expression on her face. Shocked: "it's not sweet", and then "gen hao chi" ("delicious!"). The 2006 Badia di Morrona "Taneto" Toscana (Super Tuscan), a blend of Syrah, Sangiovese, and Merlot, tasted exactly like chocolate and raspberries - it was like a liquid twin of the cake, with refreshing tartness balancing off the sweetness in the cake.
I think I got a convert. One down, 1.3B (Chinese) to go!
P.S. The recipe to this wonderfully moist cake is here.