San Francisco Wine School launching French wine program

San Francisco Wine School is launching a French wine program in partnership with French Wine Society - an organization that I have been a member of for several years. They are known for high-quality French wine curriculum, and I try to attend every new event they bring to San Francisco.

The French Wine School program starts on Tuesday, Nov 16, and includes 6 classes that painstakingly go through each major wine region of France. I took a similar class years ago when I was a staunch California wine fanatic and I didn't "get" French or Italian wine. The class opened my eyes and completely changed my appreciation of "old world" wine and France, in particular, and got me onto an amazing wine journey that I find myself on now.

In my opinion, for anyone who is eager to grow from a casual wine drinker to a wine aficionado, or for those who still don't "get" French wine, this type of class is a must.

Fall 2010 Class Schedule

(Tuesday & Thursday 6pm-8:30pm)
All classes in Hotel Triton’s Creative Zone

Tue 11/16 (Alsace) & Thu 11/18 (Burgundy)
Tue 11/23 (Beaujolais)*
Tue 12/7 (Bordeaux) & Thu 12/9 (Loire)
Tue 12/14 (Champagne) & Thu 12/16 (Rhone)
Tue 12/21 (South of France)*
Tue 1/11 FWS Exam
Note: Thu 11/25, Tue 11/30, Thu 12/2 and Thu 12/23, Tue 12/28, Thu 12/30, Tue 1/4 and Thu 1/6 are skipped due to the holidays.

Location: Hotel Triton
Address: 342 Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94108
Date: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Tuesday, November 16th to Tuesday, January 11th
Time: From 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Cost: $895.00

Phone: 415-779-2FWS (415-779-2397)

Make sure you tell them you saw this here on the Iron Chevsky Wine Blog, to get the extra special treatment :) Note: I get $0 referral fees or kick-backs for doing this.



daphne said…
such a hectic schedule. . sounds interesting:)

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