2010 Bordeaux kicks 2009 Bordeaux's butt

Big-time tasting at K&L yesterday - serious 2009 and 2010 heavyweights. This was the first time I had the opportunity to taste 2009's and 2010's side by side. A month ago at the Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux tasting in San Francisco, I was super-impressed by the quality of the 2010 vintage in Bordeaux, and at the tasting yesterday it was all the more clear next to the super highly heralded 2009 (which I also like). IMO there is no comparison - 2010's are more precise, fresher, more structured and muscular, with tremendous depth. The funny thing - I didn't even like the 2010 Leoville Barton a month ago next to the other 2010's, but yesterday it tasted awesome!

Here is the mouth-watering line-up:

d'Yquem "Y" 2010 Bordeaux blanc dry white Sauternes (good white of tremendous intensity, $159.99), Angelus 2009 (underwhelming, especially for the money $399.99), Palmer 2009 (best of the 2009's, $349.99), Lynch Bages 2009 and 2010 ($219.99 and $189.99 -- 2010 blows the 2009 away and is a better deal), Pontet-Canet 2009 ($299.99), Les Forts De Latour 2009 ($299.99), Leoville Barton 2010 (very good, but so are most 2010's!, $134.99 a relative bargain), Montrose 2010 (powerhouse wine, $249.99).


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